2021-09-18 17:45:57 +02:00

97 lines
3.1 KiB
Executable File

//* Nacharbeitsauswahl INPA
//* Datei E53.ENG
//* Drexel TI-430
//* History:
//* 13.10.1997 rd V0.01 Erstellung
//* 15.09.1999 rd V1.00 MS 43.0 neu dazu
//* 03.03.2000 rd V1.01 NAVMK2 durch NAVI ausgetauscht
//* 14.04.2000 rd V1.02 Luftfederung ehc_2 nach ehc_2n
//* 23.06.2000 rd V1.03 BM_WIDE hinzu
//* 13.06.2001 rd V1.04 Regen- Lichtsensor dazu
//* 20.09.2001 rd V1.05 CDC dazu
//* 24.09.2002 rd V1.06 ALC neu dazu
//* 11.02.2003 rd V1.07 DXC8 dazu
//* 28.02.2003 rd V1.08 Facelift integriert
//* 18.09.2003 rd V1.09 VGSG neu dazu
//* 16.02.2004 rd V1.10 Umstellung auf 32-Bit INPA
//* 26.08.2004 GA V1.11 E53.IPO dazu IDENT, FS-lesen, löschen quasi funktional
//* 26.08.2004 GA V1.12 DDE6M57 dazu
DESCRIPTION=Select E53 V1.12
ENTRY= E53,IDENT / read-clear error/info memory E53,
ENTRY= DDE40,DDE 4.0 for M57,
ENTRY= D50M57,DDE 5.0 for M57 new,
ENTRY= DDE6M57,DDE 6.0 for M57 TÜ,
ENTRY= ME72,ME 7.2 for M62 MJ 99,
ENTRY= ME9_N62,ME 9.2 for N62,
ENTRY= MS420,MS 42.0 for M52 new,
ENTRY= MS430,MS 43.0 for M54,
ENTRY= CARB,Carb-Interface,
ENTRY= gsds2,GS8.xx,
ENTRY= GS19,Gearbox Control Module GS19,
ENTRY= vgsg83,DXC Gearbox VGSG,
ENTRY= absasc5,DSC57,
ENTRY= dxc8,DXC8,
ENTRY= ehc,1-axle Air Suspension EHC
ENTRY= ehc_2n,2-axle Air Suspension EHC
ENTRY= lws5,Steering angle sensor,
ENTRY= rdc,Tyre pressure control,
ENTRY= airbag,Airbag,
ENTRY= ews,Electronic vehicle immobilization EWS,
;ENTRY= fern_ss,Remote controls,
ENTRY=klima_5B,Air conditioning,
ENTRY= kombi,Instrument cluster KOMBI / IKE,
ENTRY= lwr2a,Headlight vertical aim control LWR2A,
ENTRY= lcm,Light and check module LCM,
ENTRY= ALC_DS2,Adaptive Light Control,
ENTRY= mfl,Multi functional steering wheel MFL,
ENTRY= pdc,Park distance control PDC,
ENTRY= aic,Rain sensor AIC,
ENTRY= rls_ds2,Rain and light sensor RLS,
ENTRY= szm,Middle console center switch,
ENTRY= sm53,Seat memory,
ENTRY= shd_mds,Sunroof module,
ENTRY= gr2,Cruise control GR2,
ENTRY= zke3,Central body electronics ZKE3,
ENTRY=zuheizer,Additional heater diesel / Park heating,
DESCRIPTION=Communication systems
ENTRY=bmbt46tn,On bord monitor Topnavigation,
ENTRY= bm_wide,Widescreen monitor,
ENTRY= CDC,CD changer,
ENTRY= dsp,Dynamic sound processor DSP booster,
ENTRY= iris,Integrated Radio Information system IRIS,
ENTRY= navi,Navigation computer,
ENTRY= nav_jap,Navigation computer Japan,
ENTRY= radio,Radio,
ENTRY= ses,Speech input system SES,
ENTRY= telefon,Telephone,
ENTRY=videomod,Video module,
ENTRY= zis,Multi functional display MID (ZIS),