//********************************************************************** //* //* Startseite für Nacharbeitsprogramme //* //********************************************************************** //* Drexel TI-430 //********************************************************************** //* History: //* 26.07.1999 rd V0.01 Erstellung //* 12.08.1999 rd V0.02 Bug Scriptselect Getriebe behoben //* 22.09.1999 rd V0.10 Land Rover integriert //* 18.10.1999 rd V0.50 Bug Ausgabe F3 Land Rover behoben //* 18.19.1999 rd V2.00 Freigabe //* 02.10.2001 rd V3.00 Komplette Überarbeitung //* 05.12.2002 iS V3.01 Abschaltung der Tracefunktion //* 16.02.2004 rd V5.00 Umstellung auf 32-Bit INPA //* rd V5.00 Verantwortung für INPA an Hr. Gall übergeben //* rd V5.00 Entfernung Eldi-Auftrag, INPA-Update //********************************************************************** #pragma winedit #include "inpa.h" #include "BMW_STD.H" // start of :#include "BATTERIE.SRC" //********************************************************************** //* //* INPA Library-Funktionen BATTERIE.SRC //* //* mindestens INPA 5.0.1 //* //********************************************************************** //* Drexel TI-430 //********************************************************************** //* History: //* 04.07.2000 rd V0.03 Ersterstellung //* 25.04.2002 rd V1.00 Freigabe //* 16.02.2004 rd V2.00 Umstellung auf 32-Bit Version //********************************************************************** //********************************************************************** //* //* ShowBatteryIgnition //* //* Anzeige des Batterie- und Zündungs-Status //* //********************************************************************** ShowBatteryIgnition() { bool fehlerflag; // Fehler aufgetreten bool zuendung; // Zündung ein/aus bool batterie; // Batterie ein/aus int wert; // allgemeine Variable ftextout("Batterie :", 0,5,1,0); ftextout("Zündung :", 0,45,1,0); INPAapiJob("UTILITY","STATUS_UBATT","",""); INP1apiResultInt(fehlerflag,wert,"STAT_UBATT",1); if ((fehlerflag!=TRUE) || (wert==0)) { batterie=FALSE; zuendung=FALSE; } else { batterie=TRUE; INPAapiJob("UTILITY","STATUS_ZUENDUNG","",""); INP1apiResultInt(fehlerflag,wert,"STAT_ZUENDUNG",1); if ((fehlerflag!=TRUE) || (wert==0)) zuendung=FALSE; else zuendung=TRUE; } digitalout(batterie, 0,20,"",""); if (batterie==TRUE) ftextout("ein ", 0,25,1,0); else ftextout("aus ", 0,25,1,0); digitalout(zuendung, 0,62,"",""); if (zuendung==TRUE) ftextout("ein ", 0,67,1,0); else ftextout("aus ", 0,67,1,0); } // -- EOF -- // end of :#include "BATTERIE.SRC" import32 "C" lib "api32.DLL::__apiGetConfig" ApiGetConfig(in:long Handle,in: string Name,out: string Buffer, returns: int ReturnedValue); import32 "C" lib "api32.DLL::__apiSetConfig" ApiSetConfig(in:long Handle,in: string Name,in: string Buffer, returns: int ReturnedValue); string titel = "BMW Group Nacharbeitsprogramme"; string version = "5.00"; string sgbd = "ohne"; string gruppe = "ohne"; string origin = "Gall TI-430"; string phone = "FIZ 55213"; string email = "ruediger.gall@bmw.de"; string ConfigurationFile = "..\CFGDAT\INPA.INI"; string ini_path = "????????????????????"; string ecu_path = "????????????????????"; string interface = "????????????????????"; string F2=""; string F3=""; string F4=""; string F5=""; string F6=""; string F7=""; string F8=""; string F9=""; string F12=""; string F13=""; string F14=""; string F15=""; string F16=""; string F17=""; string F18=""; string F19=""; string F2_TEXT=""; string F3_TEXT=""; string F4_TEXT=""; string F5_TEXT=""; string F6_TEXT=""; string F7_TEXT=""; string F8_TEXT=""; string F9_TEXT=""; string F12_TEXT=""; string F13_TEXT=""; string F14_TEXT=""; string F15_TEXT=""; string F16_TEXT=""; string F17_TEXT=""; string F18_TEXT=""; string F19_TEXT=""; string F2_KNOPF=""; string F3_KNOPF=""; string F4_KNOPF=""; string F5_KNOPF=""; string F6_KNOPF=""; string F7_KNOPF=""; string F8_KNOPF=""; string F9_KNOPF=""; string F12_KNOPF=""; string F13_KNOPF=""; string F14_KNOPF=""; string F15_KNOPF=""; string F16_KNOPF=""; string F17_KNOPF=""; string F18_KNOPF=""; string F19_KNOPF=""; bool rc; int sets; //********************************************************************** //* //* Deklaration der Funktionen //* //********************************************************************** GetKonfigurationString(inout: string Wert , in: string Eintrag, in: string Default) { string ReturnedString; int ReturnedSize; ReturnedString = " "; GetPrivateProfileString("CONFIG",Eintrag,Default,ReturnedString,80,ConfigurationFile,ReturnedSize); Wert = ReturnedString; } // **************************************************** // *** M e n ü a u f b a u *** // **************************************************** // ************************** // *** Hauptmenü *** // ************************** MENU m_main() { INIT{ setmenutitle( "Auswahlmenü"); if (F2 !="") setitem( 2, F2_KNOPF ,TRUE); if (F3 !="") setitem( 3, F3_KNOPF ,TRUE); if (F4 !="") setitem( 4, F4_KNOPF ,TRUE); if (F5 !="") setitem( 5, F5_KNOPF ,TRUE); if (F6 !="") setitem( 6, F6_KNOPF ,TRUE); if (F7 !="") setitem( 7, F7_KNOPF ,TRUE); if (F8 !="") setitem( 8, F8_KNOPF ,TRUE); if (F9 !="") setitem( 9, F9_KNOPF ,TRUE); if (F12!="") setitem(12, F12_KNOPF,TRUE); if (F13!="") setitem(13, F13_KNOPF,TRUE); if (F14!="") setitem(14, F14_KNOPF,TRUE); if (F15!="") setitem(15, F15_KNOPF,TRUE); if (F16!="") setitem(16, F16_KNOPF,TRUE); if (F17!="") setitem(17, F17_KNOPF,TRUE); if (F18!="") setitem(18, F18_KNOPF,TRUE); if (F19!="") setitem(19, F19_KNOPF,TRUE); } ITEM( 1 , "Info"){ viewclose(); setscreen(s_info,TRUE); } ITEM( 2 , ""){ setscreen(s_main,TRUE); if (F2!="") scriptselect( F2+".GER"); } ITEM( 3 , ""){ setscreen(s_main,TRUE); if (F3!="") scriptselect( F3+".GER"); } ITEM( 4 , ""){ setscreen(s_main,TRUE); if (F4!="") scriptselect( F4+".GER"); } ITEM( 5 , ""){ setscreen(s_main,TRUE); if (F5!="") scriptselect( F5+".GER"); } ITEM( 6 , ""){ setscreen(s_main,TRUE); if (F6!="") scriptselect( F6+".GER"); } ITEM( 7 , ""){ setscreen(s_main,TRUE); if (F7!="") scriptselect( F7+".GER"); } ITEM( 8 , ""){ setscreen(s_main,TRUE); if (F8!="") scriptselect( F8+".GER"); } ITEM( 9 , ""){ setscreen(s_main,TRUE); if (F9!="") scriptselect( F9+".GER"); } ITEM(10 , "Ende"){ viewclose(); exit(); } ITEM(11, "KVP"){ viewclose(); setscreen(s_info,TRUE); callwin( "kvp_edit "+titel+";"+version+"; ohne; ohne"); } ITEM(12 , ""){ setscreen(s_main,TRUE); if (F12!="") scriptselect( F12+".GER"); } ITEM(13 , ""){ setscreen(s_main,TRUE); if (F13!="") scriptselect( F13+".GER"); } ITEM(14 , ""){ setscreen(s_main,TRUE); if (F14!="") scriptselect( F14+".GER"); } ITEM(15 , ""){ setscreen(s_main,TRUE); if (F15!="") scriptselect( F15+".GER"); } ITEM(16 , ""){ setscreen(s_main,TRUE); if (F16!="") scriptselect( F16+".GER"); } ITEM(17 , ""){ setscreen(s_main,TRUE); if (F17!="") scriptselect( F17+".GER"); } ITEM(18 , ""){ setscreen(s_main,TRUE); if (F18!="") scriptselect( F18+".GER"); } ITEM(19 , ""){ setscreen(s_main,TRUE); if (F19!="") scriptselect( F19+".GER"); } ITEM(20 , "Exit"){ viewclose(); exit(); } } // **************************************************** // *** S c r e e n a u f b a u *** // **************************************************** // ************************** // *** Hauptscreen *** // ************************** SCREEN s_main() { ftextout(titel,1,0,1,0); ftextout("",3,0,0,0); LINE("","") { ShowBatteryIgnition(); ftextout("< F1 > Information" , 4, 5,0,1); if (F2 != "") ftextout("< F2 > " + F2_TEXT , 6, 5,0,1); if (F3 != "") ftextout("< F3 > " + F3_TEXT , 8, 5,0,1); if (F4 != "") ftextout("< F4 > " + F4_TEXT ,10, 5,0,1); if (F5 != "") ftextout("< F5 > " + F5_TEXT ,12, 5,0,1); if (F6 != "") ftextout("< F6 > " + F6_TEXT ,14, 5,0,1); if (F7 != "") ftextout("< F7 > " + F7_TEXT ,16, 5,0,1); if (F8 != "") ftextout("< F8 > " + F8_TEXT ,18, 5,0,1); if (F9 != "") ftextout("< F9 > " + F9_TEXT ,20, 5,0,1); ftextout("< F10> Ende" ,22, 5,0,1); ftextout(" + < F1 > KVP-Editor" , 4,45,0,1); if (F12!= "") ftextout(" + < F2 > " + F12_TEXT , 6,45,0,1); if (F13!= "") ftextout(" + < F3 > " + F13_TEXT , 8,45,0,1); if (F14!= "") ftextout(" + < F4 > " + F14_TEXT ,10,45,0,1); if (F15!= "") ftextout(" + < F5 > " + F15_TEXT ,12,45,0,1); if (F16!= "") ftextout(" + < F6 > " + F16_TEXT ,14,45,0,1); if (F17!= "") ftextout(" + < F7 > " + F17_TEXT ,16,45,0,1); if (F18!= "") ftextout(" + < F8 > " + F18_TEXT ,18,45,0,1); if (F19!= "") ftextout(" + < F9 > " + F19_TEXT ,20,45,0,1); ftextout(" + < F10> Exit" ,22,45,0,1); } } // ************************** // *** Infoscreen *** // ************************** SCREEN s_info () { ftextout("Information",1,0,1,0); ftextout(titel,7,0,0,1); ftextout("Version",9,0,0,1); ftextout(":",9,33,0,1); ftextout(version,9,35,0,1); ftextout("Verantwortung",11,0,0,1); ftextout(":",11,33,0,1); ftextout(origin,11,35,0,1); ftextout("Telefon",12,1,0,1); ftextout(":",12,33,0,1); ftextout(phone ,12,35,0,1); ftextout("Email",13,1,0,1); ftextout(":",13,33,0,1); ftextout(email ,13,35,0,1); ftextout("EDIABAS" ,15,0,1,0); ftextout("INI-Pfad",18,0,0,1); ftextout(":",18,33,0,1); ftextout(ini_path,18,35,0,1); ftextout("ECU-Pfad",20,0,0,1); ftextout(":",20,33,0,1); ftextout(ecu_path,20,35,0,1); ftextout("Interface",22,0,0,1); ftextout(":",22,33,0,1); ftextout(interface,22,35,0,1); } // ************************** // *** inpainit, inpaexit *** // ************************** inpainit() { long Handle; int Returned; INPAapiInit(); // Ausschalten des trace // WERT 2 wurde durch Tests ermittelt Handle=2; ApiSetConfig(Handle,"APITRACE","0",Returned); ApiSetConfig(Handle,"IFHTRACE","0",Returned); ApiGetConfig(Handle,"EDIABASINIPATH",ini_path,Returned); ApiGetConfig(Handle,"ECUPATH",ecu_path,Returned); ApiGetConfig(Handle,"INTERFACE",interface,Returned); GetKonfigurationString(titel , "TITEL" , titel); // F1 fest Information GetKonfigurationString(F2 , "F2" , "" ); GetKonfigurationString(F3 , "F3" , "" ); GetKonfigurationString(F4 , "F4" , "" ); GetKonfigurationString(F5 , "F5" , "" ); GetKonfigurationString(F6 , "F6" , "" ); GetKonfigurationString(F7 , "F7" , "" ); GetKonfigurationString(F8 , "F8" , "" ); GetKonfigurationString(F9 , "F9" , "" ); // F10 fest Ende // F11 fest KVP-Editor GetKonfigurationString(F12 , "F12" , "" ); GetKonfigurationString(F13 , "F13" , "" ); GetKonfigurationString(F14 , "F14" , "" ); GetKonfigurationString(F15 , "F15" , "" ); GetKonfigurationString(F16 , "F16" , "" ); GetKonfigurationString(F17 , "F17" , "" ); GetKonfigurationString(F18 , "F18" , "" ); GetKonfigurationString(F19 , "F19" , "" ); // F20 fest Exit GetKonfigurationString(F2_TEXT , "F2_TEXT" , F2 ); GetKonfigurationString(F3_TEXT , "F3_TEXT" , F3 ); GetKonfigurationString(F4_TEXT , "F4_TEXT" , F4 ); GetKonfigurationString(F5_TEXT , "F5_TEXT" , F5 ); GetKonfigurationString(F6_TEXT , "F6_TEXT" , F6 ); GetKonfigurationString(F7_TEXT , "F7_TEXT" , F7 ); GetKonfigurationString(F8_TEXT , "F8_TEXT" , F8 ); GetKonfigurationString(F9_TEXT , "F9_TEXT" , F9 ); GetKonfigurationString(F12_TEXT , "F12_TEXT" , F12 ); GetKonfigurationString(F13_TEXT , "F13_TEXT" , F13 ); GetKonfigurationString(F14_TEXT , "F14_TEXT" , F14 ); GetKonfigurationString(F15_TEXT , "F15_TEXT" , F15 ); GetKonfigurationString(F16_TEXT , "F16_TEXT" , F16 ); GetKonfigurationString(F17_TEXT , "F17_TEXT" , F17 ); GetKonfigurationString(F18_TEXT , "F18_TEXT" , F18 ); GetKonfigurationString(F19_TEXT , "F19_TEXT" , F19 ); GetKonfigurationString(F2_KNOPF , "F2_KNOPF" , F2 ); GetKonfigurationString(F3_KNOPF , "F3_KNOPF" , F3 ); GetKonfigurationString(F4_KNOPF , "F4_KNOPF" , F4 ); GetKonfigurationString(F5_KNOPF , "F5_KNOPF" , F5 ); GetKonfigurationString(F6_KNOPF , "F6_KNOPF" , F6 ); GetKonfigurationString(F7_KNOPF , "F7_KNOPF" , F7 ); GetKonfigurationString(F8_KNOPF , "F8_KNOPF" , F8 ); GetKonfigurationString(F9_KNOPF , "F9_KNOPF" , F9 ); GetKonfigurationString(F12_KNOPF, "F12_KNOPF", F12 ); GetKonfigurationString(F13_KNOPF, "F13_KNOPF", F13 ); GetKonfigurationString(F14_KNOPF, "F14_KNOPF", F14 ); GetKonfigurationString(F15_KNOPF, "F15_KNOPF", F15 ); GetKonfigurationString(F16_KNOPF, "F16_KNOPF", F16 ); GetKonfigurationString(F17_KNOPF, "F17_KNOPF", F17 ); GetKonfigurationString(F18_KNOPF, "F18_KNOPF", F18 ); GetKonfigurationString(F19_KNOPF, "F19_KNOPF", F19 ); settitle(titel+" Version "+version); setmenu(m_main); setscreen(s_main,TRUE); } inpaexit() { INPAapiEnd(); }